Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
With a dedicated server, your website or application will have its own dedicated resources, providing unmatched performance, security, and scalability. Unlike shared hosting, where resources are shared among multiple users, dedicated servers offer full control over your server environment, allowing you to customize and optimize it to your specific needs. Plus, with 24/7 monitoring, technical support, and guaranteed uptime, you can trust that your website will always be up and running smoothly. So why wait? Choose a dedicated server and take your web hosting to the next level!
Full Control
With a dedicated server, you have complete control over the server environment. This means you can customize and optimize it to your specific needs, install any software you require, and configure the server to your liking. You don't have to worry about sharing resources with other users, giving you complete control over your server.
Enhanced Security and Reliability
Dedicated servers offer enhanced security and reliability compared to other hosting options. You don't have to share resources with other users, which reduces the risk of security breaches or server crashes due to other users' activities. Additionally, you can implement your own security measures and backups to keep your data safe and secure.
Flexible Scalability Options on Demand
Dedicated servers offer flexible scalability options on demand. As your business grows, you can easily upgrade your server resources to accommodate increased traffic and workload. With a dedicated server, you have the flexibility to scale up or down as needed, without experiencing any downtime.
By default, all our servers are offered as "self managed", but we are happy to provide you with additional system administration service upon your request.
Features | Self Managed | Fully Managed |
Patching | ||
Monitoring | ||
APP Installs | ||
Root Access | ||
Control Panel | ||
Data Migration | ||
Snapshot Backups |
When you host with us, you can trust that your website is in good hands. Our reliable hosting infrastructure is designed to keep your website up and running smoothly, so you can focus on what you do best — growing your business.
To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions relating to the products and services listed on this page.
If you can't find the answer to your question or if you would like more information about it, please feel free to contact us at any time and we'll be happy to help you.
Submit Your QuestionsAll our services are accompanied by 24/7 technical support.
Dedicated servers come with 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our services you may ask for a refund if all conditions are met below: Service is cancelled within 30 days from its activation; Refund request was never processed before (refund can be processed only once).
Yes, we allow free trial for new users. Contact Us and experience top tier performance, exceptional security, and reliable uptime, all at no cost to you.
Setting up a default configuration usually takes around 20 minutes.
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